Garden project

Garden project

The Hollinshead Centre is undertaking an exciting gardening based project. The project will bring people together to build, plant and maintain raised beds, and refurbish existing planted areas, to grow both edible and ornamental plants and improve participants health and wellbeing in doing so. There will also be cookery lessons, taking crops from seed to plate.

An image of 'Joanna' the compost bin

The new planting areas will be focussed on the courtyard which hundreds of people pass through each week on the way to various groups and activities in the centre. Funding has been provided by Chorley Council to support the project and we’ll be working with Chorley in Bloom, LWT MyPlace, Bees Country Kitchen and more.

As well as developing the garden for humans, the new garden will increase biodiversity and the addition of a vermin-proof hot composting bin will allow us to compost more food waste, saving it from landfill and creating compost to keep the gardens looking great.

Asda Green Tokens

Asda Green Tokens

The Meeting Place has been selected by Asda Chorley as one of its causes in the long running Green Token scheme. Three causes collect votes with the winner receiving £500, second and third places get smaller amounts. We need your votes to get as many votes as possible and hopefully receive the £500.

All you need to do is head to their website, choose the Chorley store from the drop down and click on The Meeting Place.