Room hire

The Hollinshead Centre has several rooms available for hire for a range of purposes. If you’re interested in hiring a room, call 01257 760066 and select option 4 for room bookings and you’ll be put through to the room bookings team.

The Sanctuary

Modern, light and spacious the Sanctuary is the biggest room at the centre. Used for services on Sundays, it is available at other times. It’s equipped with 7 screens, power and data points throughout, WiFi, an accessible platform and up to 120 seats.

Coffee Room

With an attached kitchen with serving hatch, the Coffee Room is suitable for training events, meetings of more than 15 people, small parties and get togethers. 

The Hall

The Hall is a large space that can be used for parties, meetings, fitness or dance classes and more besides. It has a small commercial kitchen attached, suitable for cooking for large groups.

The Church Rooms

 The Upper and Lower Church rooms are meetings rooms, suitable for up to about 15 people depending on configuration. The Upper room is upstairs but has its own kitchenette and a relaxed feel. The Lower room has a larger capacity and a projector.